endota spa @ Novotel Barossa Valley
25 m from hotel
Novotel Barossa Valley Resort, Golf Links Road, Rowland Flat
A guide to great places near Novotel Barossa Valley Resort
25 m from hotel
Novotel Barossa Valley Resort, Golf Links Road, Rowland Flat
55 m from hotel
So much to do here... you have wine tasting, gallery, restaurant, walks, animal enclosure, vineyard tour and more. Certainly more than just a cellar door.
0.6 km from hotel
Barossa Valley Way
Please add one more toilet (commode) for the "gents".
2.3 km from hotel
Barossa Way
Good spot for lunch. Also love the way they do wine tasting sitting down. Very relaxed.
3.4 km from hotel
Krondorf Rd
Organic American pale ale and the Barossa Bock is amazing!! Get the tasting plate for $15 for 6 ! Don't tip it!!
4.1 km from hotel
1-17 Barossa Valley Way
You must, must, must try the Sable Chocolate Liquer. #chocoholicsanonymous
4.4 km from hotel
1561 Barossa Valley Way
Nosh for fair trade coffee & Barossa's 'Creme' delicious pastry goodness
4.8 km from hotel
Murray St.